
Soul COntract Re-Patterning

During our lifetime, our souls create opportunities for us to learn and grow. We may have non-serving beliefs that stem from our own experiences, inherited intergenerational trauma from our family (epigenetics), or from karma that we have carried forward from previous lifetimes. These often present as challenges to harmony in family/friend/love relationships, confidence to achieve what we want (professionally and personally), chronic pain, injury and/or illness, fears and phobias, etc. Once we have acknowledged that there is something to learn and we have gained the "jewel" from these experiences, we can transmute the negative energy and integrate this wisdom into our current life to move forward with clarity, ease, and joy. This process takes a commitment to look inward and embrace both our Light and Shadows.

Spiritual practice

Spiritual practice and spiritual hygiene are integral to maintaining our wellness. Through these practices we learn to connect to our higher Selves and divine guidance, and learn to trust our intuition. We can use these practices to protect our energy fields (and cut cords) and release unwanted energy. Learn how to incorporate spirituality into your life with mentorship and guidance.

With Guided Energy Release, we use intuition, flower essence therapy, crystal and animal wisdom to find the learning in our experiences. We make a choice to offer and accept forgiveness. Releasing this non-serving energy allows us to shift our perspective for greater peace. Since we are all connected through the Universe/Source/God- ‘one’s success is everyone’s success’ - this peace is a blessing and healing- for you and all of humanity!


Reiki is an energy healing technique that can access universal energy sources to guide the flow of healthy energy through the body to strengthen the body's ability to heal itself. You will stay fully clothed, just wear what is comfortable.

I may use gentle touch, sweeping hand motions, rattles, and sound therapy to move energy. You may experience body sensations like heat or tingling. Some people have visualizations such as colors or pictures, or have memories appear. We often have ancestors come to visit too! We will discuss all of this and how it relates to your healing. Your experiences may become deeper the more you continue with reiki.

Drink plenty of water after your session. Some people feel calm, peaceful, or energized. You may also feel tired as your body is integrating the new vibration. You may notice subtle changes in your thoughts and attitudes in the coming days. Enjoy this!

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

“Tapping” is a clinically proven therapy to resolve a range of issues including stress and anxiety, physical and emotional pain, phobias, memories of traumatic events (ex: car accidents, physical assault, medical procedures, illness, etc.), limiting beliefs, and much more.

EFT works well for pain management because chronic pain is often tied to unresolved emotional issues that you might not realize are associated. Through EFT, the negative emotions that are causing pain in your body can be worked through to promote healing and relief.

I recommend all my clients to start practicing simple EFT twice daily and combine it with breathwork such as the “4-7-8” breathing technique to bring the nervous system back into balance. A calm body promotes a calm mind and a strong immune system.


60 minutes/ $100

90 minutes/ $150

15 minute consultation/ Free

Sessions may include a blend of holistic modalities such as EFT (emotional freedom technique), Guided Energy Release, and various guided imagery, breathwork, and mindfulness practices to help you achieve optimum health and wellness.


85 Goodridge Drive, St Albert, AB T8N 2B3.

Sessions are conducted in person OR via zoom.

***I am allergic to perfume! Sessions are done in a SCENT-FREE ENVIRONMENT. Please make note of this in your calendar for the morning of your appointment. Please refrain from wearing synthetic perfumes, hand lotion, scented hand sanitizer, heavy hairspray, etc. (essential oils and deodorant are ok). Thanks for understanding.