Pam Loong

Soul JOURNEY PractitioneR

I help all ages to break toxic cycles and re-pattern soul contracts to create a happy life.

Hi! I’m Pam. I am a Lightworker and holistic registered nurse, committed to helping humanity heal.

After a decade of experience in public health, I realized I could use my intuitive gifts to help people heal in a deeper way. Integrating my intuitive healing gifts with Western Medicine in private nursing practice offers a gentle and extremely successful way to address root causes of pain and disease and fill in the gaps of our current health system.

Spiritual healing is my greatest gift, my “jam”, my life. I love helping people and it it my life’s mission to help people release “old stuff” in order to embrace all the love and wonder that life has to offer.

In our sessions, I will teach you how to connect to your intuition and trust your own decisions; find the wisdom needed to heal from upsetting life events; tools to balance your nervous system and manage symptoms of anxiety and stress; spiritual hygiene to protect and maintain your energy fields, cut cords, and release energy that does not belong to you. You will enjoy renewed health, energy, and relationships! You will love your life!

You found me here- chances are you are stuck in the same old patterns that have plagued your family for generations. Family relationships are strained and it feels like these toxic traits are never going to end as they keep getting passed down. You are exhausted and unmotivated and wonder how you keep ending up with the same toxic friends and relationships. You have this empty feeling that you “don’t belong here” or you already know you are not “from here” and you need some guidance. You have chronic pain and frequent illness and injuries. Suicidal thoughts are becoming louder- you just want the pain to end but your current therapies aren’t working.

It’s time to break old soul contracts! Break the toxic cycles and patterns that are keeping you stuck. It IS possible! I have been re-patterning my own soul contracts to better my life and have helped many others do the same with my incredible Divinely guided gifts.

Be the cycle-breaker your ancestors dreamed of!

Holistic living includes caring for the spirit

Healing is the process of coming to terms with your life experiences and finding the joy and learning in every situation. It is taking the time to discover what makes you feel connected, empowered, and resilient so you can heal past hurts, face the unknowns of your future, and live in the now. It is learning how to be the best version of your authentic Self. Healing is an ongoing process that requires dedication and commitment.

When we are committed to our personal growth and lead with spirit, we feel connected and purposeful. When we are disconnected from our deepest desires, our soul callings, or intuition, we may experience dis-harmony or dis-ease. Recognizing our spiritual needs are as vital to living as our physical and emotional needs. Pain in our spirit can affect our physical and emotional health, and vice versa. By supporting all aspects of the person- body-mind-soul- we can find optimal health, balance, and fulfilment in all areas of our life.

One’s success is everyone’s success. When we heal ourselves, we are contributing to healing humanity as a whole. What a beautiful gift!